

Slim Drivers

Download Slim Drivers

Download Slim Drivers Free for PC 

Slim Drivers is a power utility for Windows based systems. It can search and find drivers for your system. Slim Drivers automatically scans the system and finds and updates drivers automatically. The drivers are downloaded online and stored on the system. This makes updates an easy mechanism for a novice user who would otherwise spend hours figuring out which driver to select and install. It is very powerful for third party drivers and checks old and un updated programs on a system. 
Slim Drivers has a small size and is also cloud-based. A user can register the website using their email. A hot link is immediately sent to the user’s inbox. The user can then complete the registration process after clicking the hot link. Using cloud technology has greatly increased the performance and usability of Slim Drivers. 

Technical Specifications

Title: Slim Drivers Free 
OS: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 
Language: English
License: Free
Author:  SlimWare Utilities

What are Slim Drivers’s features?

Quick Scan: The main feature of Slim Drivers is its quick scan. The scan is completed in a few minutes by just pressing a single button. The scan searches for outdated programs and drivers and reports to the user. The user can then select which updates to download and install. 
Automatic Download and Updates: Once selected the updates are automatically downloaded and installed on the system. The system cerates checkpoints for recovery purpose. 
Modern Interface: The GUI of Slim Drivers is modern with a smooth look and feel. The controls are straightforward and single button based. A user has to click a single button and automatic scanning, downloading and installation is carried out. The scan shows the list of updates which can be checked by a user using checkboxes. Only those updates are downloaded that are checked by the user. 
Restore Points: When installing the system creates a restore point for recovery purpose. It is necessary to avoid any unwanted installation or system failures. Restore points recover to the last known good state. Restore points ca be opted out as well. 
Cloud Bases Support: The product is cloud based and runs the scan on a host machine over the cloud accessed via a Web Browser. The scanning requires administrative access to the system and cannot be carried out using guest account on a system. 

What are Slim Driver’s limitations?

Among the major problems are slow download speed. It would be faster to download a driver from the source rather than through Slim Drivers. The application takes hours to download and update a system completely. In some instances, the download could fail as well. 
The application features advertisement and self-promotion. Pop up ads are also shown that promote other products. 

Where to download Slim Drivers?

Download free latest version of Slim Drivers software at the end of article.

Install and Run:

Download the file and navigate to the folder. Double click to install. The progress bar shows the installation progress.