


download free XAMPP pctopapp.com
download free XAMPP

Download Free XAMPP 

XAMPP is an open source, free and downloadable web development software developed by Apache Friends. It is a complete suite that provides the complete development stack in a single package.  It comes with Apache HTTP, interpreters for PHP and Perl as well as a built-in MariaDB as a database. You can download XAMPP here. A new user as well as a novice user can easily build web sites and web applications using full stack functionality provided by XAMPP. 

The X in XAMPP represents cross platform and this product provides cross platform support for the developed web applications. A, M, P and P are acronyms for Apache, MariaDB, PHP and Perl, respectively. This makes it a powerful suite that allows a user to run a web serve on Windows, Linux or even Mac based desktop and laptops. 

Technical Specifications

Title:   XAMPP  for Windows

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Linux, Mac.

Language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Chinese.

License: Free

Author: Apache Friends

What are XAMPP’s Features?

XAMPP provides cross platform support for all its constituent packages. The builds released for XAMPP are mostly for the internal constituent packages. 

Among the packages is the world-renowned Apache Server, which is a free and a de facto standard across the globe. It is open source and includes contributions from many developers across the world. This server controls all the incoming and outgoing traffic and sessions of the web application that is being developed.

To support relational database, MariaDB is provide. It has replaced MySQL as it is ore flexible, however both are identical. Maria DB is a SQL based database that allows table creation, views, relations, etc., all using SQL commands. 

For the server-side scripting, PHP is provided as the choice of development. This helps in developing and managing content much like WordPress or Joomla. 

To manage texts, user interfaces and system administration, Perl is provided as a flexible and powerful tool within XAMPP.

XAMPP also includes OpenSSL, that facilitates security related tasks for the server builds. It provides solutions for both SSL and TLS and is a critical component. 

The users of XAMPP get regular and latest updates for stable builds. XAMPP is updated whenever a constituent component is updated. Bitnami can also be used to install add-ons and plugins on your XAMPP server. These add-ons include myBB, Moodle, Typo 3, MediaWiki, WordPress, and OpenCart. All the packages are directly installed on your server build and allows you to inspect and edit the files. 

XAMPP can also be connected via FTP, if required. This is useful when a development team is working with you and needs to update files regularly. 

XAMPP is easy to use and allows ease of development. This helps in development and testing on local machines prior to deployment on the web using a live IP. This further helps in saving costs. 


What are XAMPP’s limitations?

XAMPP’s support is limited to the constituent packages. It still does not include Node.js as a choice of development, although Node.js is increasingly becoming popular. Furthermore, the database is relational and no support for MongoDB or other non-relational database is provided yet.  

Where to download XAMPP?

XAMPP is freely downloadable here at the end of article by clicking download button.

Once installed, new and latest updates are pushed on the installation. Always backup your server to a stable state before installing updates. 

Install and Run:

Download the file and navigate to the folder. Click to install.