

Virtual Piano ButtonBeats

Download Virtual Piano

Download ButtonBeats Virtual Piano 

ButtonBeats Virtual Piano is a flash-based application that runs on Windows platform as well as other platforms that have flash player installed. It is a virtual Piano player that can be played with both the keyboard and the mouse. Download free virtual piano here. The experience is near to a real piano. It is useful for beginners who want to learn playing a piano using numbered keys. The notes can be tapped out using a numbered sequence through the mouse or keyboard. Basic jingles and compositions like ‘Happy Birthday’, and ‘Jingle Bells’ can be played easily. Complex melodies by Mozart, Bach, Queen, and the Beatles can also be learnt. The product is old, and the last upgrade and update was in 2011. 
ButtonBeats is a fun application and allows playing songs as well. The song menu is just above the keys and plays tunes selected by a user. A user can learn a song by tapping the keys on a keyboard. 

Technical Specifications

Title: ButtonBeats Virtual Piano
OS: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Vista, Windows, Windows 7, Mac 
Language: English
Additional Requirements: Flash Player
License: Free
Author: ButtonBeats

What are ButtonBeats’s features?

Low Learning Curve: The software can help a user play complex melodies like Beethoven in a matter of minutes by playing songs and melodies and showing the numbered sequence. The numbered sequence can be played by tapping the keys. 
Virtual Piano: ButtonBeats is a virtual piano that looks like the real deal. It is smaller in size, but the interface is designed like a real piano with all the keys white and black present and shown on the screen. A user can play both the white and black keys unlike other virtual players whose black keys are just dummy. 
Minimal Interface: The controls on the interface are minimal so that most of the area is available for the piano. It has Fullscreen, activate keyboard controls, sound options, and a song button. 
Recording: A user can record their songs and melodies as well as their compositions on the ButtonBeats. When recording a red colored recording messages appears to let the user know that it is recording. Recordings can be played back on the same software. The recordings can be played back in a loop as well. This plays it in a continuous loop. 
Numbered keys: The numbered keys can be toggled on and off. 
Sound Quality: The sound quality is good and can be tested using the built-in in audio chip. However, the sound is dependent on the speakers attached with the system

What are ButtonBeats’s limitations?

While This application can be interacted with mouse and keyboard, it cannot be used to practice piano playing. The keys are not arranged like a piano on standard keyboards and laptops. 

Where to download ButtonBeats?

User can download free latest version of ButtonBeats Virtual Piano here at the end of article.

Install and Run:

Download the file and navigate to the folder. Double click to install. The progress bar shows the installation progress.